onsdag 20 juli 2011

07 - Spanish invasion!

Okay, maybe the title is a bit too much. But I think it fits.

Just got two new people joining me up in the house where I'm living, and they're from Barcelona in Spain. At first I thought they would be quite difficult, as the first thing they told me was to "clean up" (I tend to live the lazy teenage way when alone). But immediately after that I realized that they are a really friendly bunch, and suddenly I noticed how much nicer things were when I had someone to speak to. Although it's still in Spanish.

They also tend to invite the other teacher at the centre, so suddenly when I went out of my room I found the whole bunch of teachers sitting there in our dining room, and they invited me as well. Seeing as I was just going to cook myself some pasta I was really delighted to join up with them instead. Although I keep getting reminded that my Spanish is still not entirely fluent, that must've been the best dinner here so far!

I got this comment today by one of the Spaniards, named Alfonso I believe, who told me in a bit of a funny way that if I want to learn Spanish I need to be more communicative and pressure myself more. Which I took as an encouraging, "Speak more, you silent Swede!", and immediately after that I found myself sitting down with Per and those two outside the door, eating peanuts and drinking some powder-milk. Realizing I was silent I tried saying a couple of things too, and it was actually an improvement! At least it felt like I was actually learning the language, not just trying to use it.

So yeah, I'm glad these Spaniards came by here too. Truly an improvement to the hermit-ish lifestyle I had this past weekend!

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