torsdag 7 juli 2011

From one city to another

Okay, so I'm ALMOST there. Just arrived at my last stop before Yalambojoch in a city called Huehuetenango, which sort of reminds me of Cusco, the city where I lived when I visited Peru. It's got these really stuffed roads with crazy drivers, small walkways and in the middle of everything a wonderful market with people selling all kinds of stuff. I really enjoyed the part when I realized how much food is locally produced, which is something that surely improved my cooking enthusiasm (despite lacking dairy products and soy sauce >: ).

Also, speaking of locally produced, here's something that will make many of my friends back in Sweden VERY jealous: Guatemala is THE coffee country of Central America! In fact, I recently tasted the most fantastic coffee in my life, which was a cappuccino in a local café. As soon as I took my first sip, I was struck by the thought, "Is THIS how coffee is supposed to taste?!" It didn't even have the slightest hint of bitterness! Locally produced and locally roasted, it is even so that I will be driving past that certain place where they grew just that coffee that I drank tomorrow. And I WILL take photos. (:

Except for this, not much happened today. I had a gigantic breakfast at the hotel, almost at awesome as the coffee, but then also breakfast is always awesome (although it's not every morning that you get a never ending buffet with around 10 different freshly cooked meals, countless cookies, loads of different types of bread, et cetera..). Then I had a really nice chat with the people on the bus station, almost all in (mostly) fluent Spanish. An elderly man gave me a cup of coffee for free when I was sitting there practising my guitar, telling me to play louder, and another guy was about my age and had a great taste for music. Almost felt like staying there for a while, but then my bus was going and I had to leave. Then I spent the next five hours half-sleeping, half-reading Harry Potter on the bus.

That's probably everything I have on my mind right now. And to the people who tried to comment but couldn't because you didn't have a google account, that's fixed now. So comment away!

Buenas tardes y noches!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Ojojoj, du måste verkligen köpa hem massor med kaffebönor hit!!! Gärna nått från marknaden också :))

    Fyfan vad coolt det låter med alla händelser och alla människor!

  2. Shit, är klockan bara 18.00 hos er btw? ;o ;D

  3. Vänta bara, så fort jag fixat internet kommer jag ha en hel del mer att ladda upp. Det blir bättre! <:

    Och klockan går fel på bloggen, tiden är minus åtta från Stockholm. Just nu till exempel är klockan snart 19
