onsdag 27 juli 2011

10 - Night time writing

It's night at the moment, I'm lying on my bed writing before I go to sleep. Figured I need to catch one of these moments in text.

It is an unusually quiet night. Almost every time there has been some music playing down in the village somewhere, making me crazy with its melodies and rhythms that so easily get stuck into my head. All that I hear now from outside are the dogs on the “street” (dirt road) barking at each other as if having some war of sorts, and the insects. Usually I hear frogs, but it hasn't rained for two or three nights straight (WOW!) so I guess they are waiting for water.

I've been thinking about if I like it here or not. Thing is, it varies a bit. One day I might feel like staying even longer here, and the other day I find myself staring at my calendar counting the days that I will get back to my safe home in Stockholm. And actually, I have an idea why.
Once the Spaniards got me talking a bit more and acting less like a Stockholmer, I seemed to truly enjoy the spirit of this village. I mean, obviously it doesn't have all the luxuries of home, and the safety might not always be the greatest, so that part doesn't make it any better. However, every time I walk down to the village, or even around the centre, there is always someone to greet and be greeted by Every time I stay at the centre, when the Spaniards are home, I have someone friendly to talk to, and without much difficulty understanding each other at all – given enough time, of course. And also, what happened this past weekend was that I realized that the students learning computers are actually more grateful than what they first seemed. After teaching them how to use email and Skype, I received a few messages saying that they are learning well, and one which states that it was “thanks to me”.

Then, finally, I felt like I truly had achieved something here. Being probably the only one around here who can manage all these programs fluently, I feel like my knowledge are worth something here. And that I am worth something. And that is of much higher value than any top grade I can get at home. Which also means that this trip was a success since that was my goal the whole time, to give something to those who need it.

So yes, sometimes this place can be really nice. I'm still a bit homesick though, but maybe because I'm freaking out a little about working as a music teacher. Teenagers can be really difficult... But, on the other hand, only three lessons more to go!

Talking about work, I really, really need to sleep or I will freak out even more tomorrow (having class at 8:15, eek!). So, ¡Buenas noches todos!

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